Saturday, 19 December 2015

Alzheimers Awareness

I visited my nan. She asked me who I was on more than several occasions. I repeatedly let 
her know I was her grand-daughter. Her face glowed up each time overwhelmed to see me. Unaware of how many times she had asked the same question I answered it each time like it 
was the first. 

I visited my nan. She asked me where I lived 
on more than several occasions. I repeatedly 
let her know I lived near by. Her face glowed 
up each time overwhelmed to hear that I was closer than she thought. Unaware of how 
many times she had asked the same question 
I answered it each time like it was the first.


I visited my nan. she asked me how i’d been on more than several occasions. I repeatedly let 
her know Ive been doing well. Her face glowed 
up each time overwhelmed to hear that I was well and healthy. Unaware of how many times she had asked the same question I answered it each time like it was the first.

I visited my nan. Even though I knew she’d ask me the same questions several times and she’d still glow up with each answer I gave her. I was convinced she wouldn’t ask me again remembering what i’d previously said. For that one moment her memory was replenished, that one moment reminded me this isn’t her fault.. Its Alzheimers.